Friday, September 12, 2014

Weeks 5 and 6: Chilly Weather, Crafts, and a Tragic Event

I've read some articles on various websites on how to blog effectively and one thing that a few of the articles suggested was to treat blog posts similar to journal entries. I thought this may be good advice as journals are written in mostly on a daily basis and I am very bad at posting on my blog regularly, so this may encourage me to post more frequently. However, if I did treat my blog similar to a journal, it may look something like this:

August 30, 2014

Dear Diary Blog,

Today I decided I wanted to knit. I am now knitting a sock. I am using gray wool. 


August 31, 2014

Dear Diary Blog,

Today I have realized that I do not know how to knit a sock. It is actually a gray square.


September 1, 2014

Dear Diary Blog,

I still don't know how to knit a sock. It is now a slightly longer gray square. I suppose that would make it a rectangle now. 


September 4, 2014

Dear Diary Blog,

Today I bought a crochet hook. I am now crocheting a hat. That is something I do know how to do. 


And that, my friends, is why I shouldn't keep my blog like a journal. Also, as I mentioned before, I have never kept up a blog for more than a post or two, I have also never kept a journal or diary for longer than a month. Probably not even for longer than two weeks. Long story short, I am going to continue to post somewhat longer posts about once every week as well as posting on my vlog channel whenever I want to.

These past two weeks, the weather has gotten even chillier. And I've forgotten about Celsius again once or twice, causing brief moments of panic when I wake up and my phone tells me that it is currently 10° outside. It hasn't rained so much, but several mornings this week have been very foggy. Along with the change in the weather, there is also coming the change in the school grading periods. The first period of school is coming to a close and so my first set of exams in Finland are starting on Friday. This also means that I am deciding which classes I will take next period. Rather than trimesters with rather similar classes, my school here is broken into five grading periods in which different sets of classes are taken.

Many people who know me know that I really like frozen yogurt. Because frozen yogurt is amazing and delicious and is yogurt so it gives you the illusion that you are being healthy even though when it is weighed you know that there are probably more gummy bears than yogurt in the cup but whatever. Last Thursday, I went to the mall. I was planning on going to the same brand of cafe as I had before (see Week One!), but when I got there, I was informed that their frozen yogurt machine was broken. And that was a very tragic event. I ended up getting a donut (is it donut or doughnut? who knows...)* which was pretty yummy...enough about food. 

As you may have gleaned from the above Dear Diary Blog entries, I have been doing some crafts recently. At first, I attempted to knit a sock. It is still a slightly long square, or what some might call a rectangle. I have also been crocheting a hat. It is purple and soft and nearly half finished! I also decorated the piƱatas for my brother's birthday this weekend. One is supposed to be a Lego person's head and the other has pictures of Legos on it.

*Apparently doughnut was first used in the early nineteenth century while donut was first used in the early twentieth century. Donut is considered a more American spelling, though in recent years it has also been used in New Zealand and the UK. Here is a Times article about this discussion.

Monday, September 1, 2014


On Saturday, I took a trip into Helsinki to go to orientation for the students who are studying abroad...and I vlogged throughout the day; check it out if you want to!